Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 4- in the field, Lugazi / Millecam

The traffic here is nuts! We got in a car accident the very first day I was here, on my way to Lugazi (my area). I got banged up but nothing too bad. We got T- boned in an intersection but the car was still drivable. It was the missionary’s fault though and we just drove off. If no one is hurt that is what you do here. It is a good thing too, because they allow mob justice here, so they would have tried to beat up the missionary who was driving. We walk everywhere, all the time. I don't mind though; I like walking and it is better than driving/riding in the traffic. My companion is Elder Millecam from Vernal, Utah. He is a rock star. I love him already. I wish I could spend my whole mission with the guys in my house. I like them all. I like my mission president too, he seems nice. I should share something spiritual though for you to pass along to the family. It's been cool to teach the gospel so simply. The people here honestly are uneducated, so we struggle sometimes just because they can't grasp concepts. My testimony has become very simple, but I love it. Teaching simply, has been really good for me. The best mission prep for my mission would have been being a primary teacher. Another cool thing, I got all my shirts tailored to me for about a total of $12.00. Super cheap. When I come home, I will be in a new suit as well, and it may or may not have tiger print on the inside of it. I'm writing from an internet cafĂ©. It is super-hot here. I am doing a lot better. I still miss you guys and think about you every single day. That will never change though and I'm okay with it. Here's some more pics of my area and a group picture of me with some kids we meet with all the time. They are funny, and super rough. I have a video my comp took where I’m playing with them all, but I can’t get it to send. This area that I'm in is called the bush. Like I'm camping. The power and water go out every single day. It is known as the roughest area in the mission. I don't mind it though; I could spend my whole mission in this part. Dad, I remember what you said about how I'll be teaching really simply, and it couldn't have been truer. I was super grateful for how you taught me to share my testimony before I left. Having a simple testimony is the best. I've learned some crazy deep doctrine though as well. I studied the heck out of the Pearl of Great Price in the MTC when I got bored and learned all about Kolob and the fall and stuff. Also have really enjoyed reading in the Book of Revelations. There is some crazy knowledge in there. I'm learning to speak the language here, Lugandan! I'm getting really pretty good at it. I haven't eaten anything off the streets except fruits and veggies. I'm eating healthy! You are going to die when you see where I am living, it’s pretty rough I won’t lie. So, these are some pics of a lunch and a dinner that I made. Yummy right?  And yes. I really did cook and eat that. I killed my own chicken, and It was so nasty. There is a frog that lives in that toilet, we can't get it to go away. lol. Then there's my gym in the garage, my washing machine, me, and our house. I'll send you more pics of the house next week, I didn't get that many. Street contacting is my favorite way to find people. I love just going out and talking to people. Even though I can't understand them most of the time. Teaching people is hard sometimes just because they don't usually understand. I'm getting better at teaching simply. The people here love to laugh and I can really be myself. Me and my companion always talk about how cool it is that we won't lose our personalities or anything because we can joke around and tease all the people we teach. So far, we've taught 25 lessons and only two of them have been in a member’s house and I love it!  We got 8 people to come to church, and I guess that is a ton. I had to give a talk! And they dropped it on me five minutes before sacrament, so I had to wing it! It was fine though. The people who will listen to us are super receptive to the gospel, and they love our message even though they don't understand it all the way. I've been hitting the scriptures hard and found some really good ones. We have to teach ridiculously simply and a lot of times we can't even share scriptures because it confuses them. It's cool though because it goes back to basics. My testimony has become amazingly simple, and it keeps growing. I love it. My testimony of prayer has grown a lot too. I'll tell you about one of the guys we're teaching right now. His name is Sharriff. He wears all (fake) Gucci clothes all the time, but he loves our gospel so much. We'll baptize him soon. He calls us about 12 times a day. We have a total of 11 baptisms lined up right now, me and my comp are killing it. I loved the package you sent! I really needed it. Send more protein bars if you have a chance.
PS don't worry about sending me too many packages. I'm in a house with all Americans so they get them all the time. The more the better!  Mom, I miss you and the family so much. I hope you all know how much I love you. Dad, How's your calling going? Is the family all doing okay? I wish I could be home playing cards with you guys. Love you all. Elder Payne

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