Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Week 59-Entebbe, Uganda with Elder Budu

Seriously starting the week off getting to talk with you guys was super awesome! Made the rest of my week go great. I'm really enjoying this area and my companion is a great guy. Some of the highlights from this week are- Tuesday we found a new lady to teach who seems really cool! Her name is Betty and she's a single mom and lives on the outskirts of town. We had an awesome discussion with her, and she's super interested in the Book of Mormon. People who are interested in the Book of Mormon and want to learn about it almost always progress. She works on Sundays though, so we didn't see her at church.  Interesting thing, I've realized the women here recognize the spirit quickly and are more receptive to the gospel.  A lot of time the men are very stubborn and just want to argue. But you can tell that most of the women we teach are in tune with the spirit. One thing I've learned and can see plainly now is how important the relationship between men and women is. I have a huge testimony of the family. The two people I know I'll never have to worry about testimony wise are Faith and Jared in lugazi. It's the only couple I've baptized on my mission, but you can just tell that they strengthen each other. Wednesday we had our district development meeting, but our district is kind of big as in it covers a large amount of land and we had to travel to a place called Kajansi for the meeting. It takes a good chunk of time to get there on a taxi. But the meeting was good, I gave a training on ministering to Christ's people in the way that He would. After that we hung out with Elder Woodland and Bimpe (from Ghana) in Kajansi for a while. It was cool to catch up with Woodland, who I trained. We got lunch with those guys and then some guy offered to give us a ride back to Eentebbe (which never happens it was so nice) and saved us some money and a super uncomfortable two-hour ride in a hot and stinky taxi. Small miracle. The rest of the week we spent trying to find new people to teach and didn't have much success. There’re two other guys who are progressing well named Innocent and Tonny and they're almost ready to get baptized. Saturday, we spent the day helping clean the church, and then hung out with some of the members that night. It's kinda cool, there's a lot of guys our age here so it's easy to be friendly with the members. Sunday, I bore my testimony in church and then Budu got surprised and had to give a talk. That night we went to a member’s house who's been in the church a pretty long time (21 years this May) and he will be the first stake patriarch in the Kampala south stake in a few weeks.  He's a really neat guy, he'd get along well with Papa. He's been to Provo a couple of times too so he really feels like he can relate to me and loved to talk about Utah. They fed us some chapati and juice and then we went home.

I'm so excited to be in a city and shop in a store where I have a variety of food!! Look FROZEN chicken-

 Love you guys 

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