Week 66-Entebbe with Elder Budu

Hope this makes you
laugh. How to keep your
kids out of your candy-Guard it with some chopped off chicken heads.
this week was interesting. The best part of my week was getting your package.
You and Bailee are so thoughtful and every little thing makes me smile. I'm
sure me and Budu are going to be in a slight sugar coma tomorrow from all the
Cadbury eggs we ate tonight but it's good, were happy. Mom, thank you so much.
It's like you sent me a little bit of home. I'm such a lucky son to have a mom
like you. And tell Holly the bug stuff worked! We literally watched bed bugs
crawl out of our mattresses! Let me tell you
some of the little things about the week. Monday was great as usual so nice to
hear from home. Wednesday we had DDM and after the sisters made us jollof rice
(idk how to spell it) it's like fried rice with veggies... It was good. Thursday,
we saw a lot of the referrals from the Ward. The next missionaries here are so
lucky, they will have an amazing teaching pool. Friday, we cleaned the church
almost the whole morning. Then we went and saw this member and I fell out of
his avocado tree. I just slipped and fell like 12 feet flat on my back. I'm
fine, just knocked the wind out of me. Budu and the member we were with could
not stop laughing about it. We ended up with
about 50 avocados. I wouldn't say it was worth it, but it wasn't that bad. My biggest regret
is that no one had it on video so I could enjoy it as well. Saturday, we had
conference and oh my that was an event. Everything is an event here literally
we were there all day, but it was good. There was a lot I got out of it. I
really loved the closing prayer, which is a funny thing to love, but it was one
of the best prayers I've ever heard. It really stood out to me. I enjoyed all
the talk about eternal families. It made me focus on how much joy it brings
into my life knowing that my relationships with the people I love will last beyond
the grave. It's a hope I take for granted growing up just knowing that's the
way it is. But being able to share that hope has really opened my eyes to what
a blessing it is to have that knowledge. I also felt a deep love for the Savior
and his atonement which makes all that possible. I love you guys so much and
miss you like crazy!
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