Week 58 - Entebbe, Uganda with Elder Budu

Wow this has probably been the best week of my
mission. First of all, I can't even tell you how excited I am about BYU, I
literally jumped up and down after reading my acceptance email. I'm so happy! And then on top of that I found out I get
to call you every Monday now! It's super exciting that I can talk to you. I
have tons to tell you guys about this week, you know about half of the good
stuff already. I got the chance to meet Elder Stevenson of the quorum of the 12
TWICE this week with his wife. He came to visit Uganda, so we had a mission
conference with him on Saturday this week and it was one of the coolest
experiences of my mission. His presence was extraordinary! To just be in the
same room with him was awesome. You could feel the love he has for people just
radiating off his person. It was so neat. And then to hear his testimony of the
reality of Jesus Christ and the atonement gave me chills. The Spirit was so
powerful! It was so cool to be in a room with him and such a small audience and
to just listen. We also had Elder Palmer, our area authority there, and Elder Chatora of the 70, who will be our new mission president in July. Then the next day for Sunday we had a huge stake conference with both the stakes in Kampala and Elder Stevenson spoke again. But before the conference he walked over and visited with me and a small group of the other missionaries. It was so cool. The conference was really great, people from all over the country came to hear him so I got to see my RC's from Gulu, and Lugazi all in the same place. It was so fun. So, on top of all of this, I got to Entebbe finally this week and have had such a good time. My new companion Elder Budu is super cool. He's so fun, a little wild, but still likes to work hard. Plus, he likes to run so we ran 12 miles the other day. And Entebbe is amazing, we have to walk a lot, but the people are great. I'm just super happy and can't wait to talk to you!

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