This week was
better than I hoped, even though it was long. We stayed so long in Kampala
because transfers weren't until Thursday, but we had to take McLain down on Monday.
We stayed with Elder Corbridge and Elder Asante the zone leaders there. Asante
is coming back with us to Gulu this transfer, and he's from Ghana. He's huge
and kind of a goofy guy. Corbridge is from American Fork. It ended up being
super nice staying in Kampala. I loved the area that I stayed in and really
wish I would get to serve there. It was called Insombia, and it seems like one
of the wealthier parts of Kampala. The ward is great, and life seems super
nice. So, we got to relax a bit while we were there, one day we worked the area
with the zone leaders and did an exchange, so we got to meet the ward. The
church is a lot stronger there, and the people are really cool. We got fed by an
Embassy family in the ward on Wednesday before we left, and I think it was the
most enjoyable night of my month. The Dad of the family is from Provo, and the
mom is from Ghana, so we got food from home and from Ghana. It was so good, and
a super fun night. It reminded me of being with our family. A lot of fun. They took really
good care of us. We also got a chance to go to the supermarket there in Kampala
and that was heavenly. I'm not a big fan of grocery shopping, but I could've
just stayed there all day. Thursday, we picked up the new missionaries
coming to the zone and then drove home. By the time we got back it was late so
we just all went to bed. A lot of driving this week. On Saturday we got to go
to lira again and do interviews, but things didn't work out super well. The
branch president is struggling so interviews didn't work out. Then we checked
on the branches, took them supplies, and visited members. But we got a rabbit
from a member there and took it home for dinner. I'm not a huge fan of rabbit I
found out, but rabbit liver is wayyyy better than beef or chicken liver. We didn't
get to work in our area hardly at all because of all the other things we had to
do. I pulled the money and payed for the
packages, but I haven't got them so I'll get
them hopefully at MLC this coming Friday. I'll probably go
down on Wednesday or Thursday. I'm not sure yet. What is in the
packages? They've never had something get taxed so bad before. Or was it
just the size of them? My health is fine right now, I'm doing really good
actually. I'm missing home big time still, and some days are better than others
but for the most part I'm doing great. How are you doing though? I'm as worried
about you guys as you are about me. The computer that I'm emailing on right
now shocks me every few seconds hahaha, How awesome is that?

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