Week 27 Saying Goodbye to Luguzi, Transfer to Gulu with Woodland and Mukuna

I'm going to a place called Gulu. I got the news a day early on a conference
call and it came as a huge surprise. I'm going to be the new zone leader there
along with Elder Ankrah. Hahaha it's gonna be a crazy transfer while we figure
things out. I'm really excited though. I think we'll have a lot of fun
together. I've met Elder Ankrah a couple times before, he's been in Jinja zone
a while too. He's from Ghana. So Wednesday we'll head to Kampala, stay in the
mission home and then I think Thursday morning we'll drive 8 hours out to Gulu.
Oh ya, I will be driving a truck now. So that means I’ve got to learn how to
drive stick with my left hand hahaha. And we have to get out to Gulu
all on our own because we're the only ones from that zone who are being
transferred. It'll be good for a change.
This week was good. I got to have dinner with
Lena and Tonny one last time and that was awesome. They're good friends. Sunday,
we confirmed Joseph, Keith was late, so she'll get confirmed next week. My last
Sunday was a little melancholy. I'm going to miss a lot of people here. I've
made some good friends. Malayka came for my last Sunday and that was cool. I
got to interview this lady Elder Hyer has been teaching. I've know her since I
got here, and it was neat to hear how ready she was to be baptized. At the end
of church Sunday, the branch all came together and sung “Til we meet again” to
me and that was super neat. It was a roller coaster of emotions. It was a really
good goodbye.
get my package on Wednesday when I go to Kampala. I'll need it to keep me awake
while I drive down hahaha. Ya I did okay on my hair, but I did a
really good job on Woodland's hair. I cut his last night and I'm pretty proud
of it. I make them let me carve a small D in their hair behind their ear for
Dylan. hahaha. I'm too funny. In Luganda Gulu means heaven.
Hopefully it is a heavenly place. It is a larger city.
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