The adventures and experiences of Elder Payne as he serves a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Week 19 in Lugazi with Elder Woodland
Man, it has been a long week. I've missed you tons. It feels like it's been so long since I've talked to you. Haha-wasn’t it just last week?? I'm glad you and Baylor liked the stuff I sent you. When I send my fit bit home to you I'm gonna throw some more small things like that in there for you guys. You're not going to believe this, but I actually wish I was home to do yard work with you and Dad. That sounds so fun to me. Weird huh? So, I guess I have a little bit of a virus right now. It's nothing major it just makes me feel miserable during the day. I'm just super tired and have a super sore throat. And then really bad body aches and a bit of a fever. I did not want to get up these last few days but since I had places to be I had to. Sister Collings might have us go to Kampala tomorrow to check us out. One thing I am so sick and tired of here is the blatant racism against white people. They literally have two different prices for everything. A 2k taxi costs us 10k, it's ridiculous. I got in a little scuffle with a taxi driver that tried to cheat us the other day. He wouldn't let me off the taxi until I paid him five times what he agreed on, so I tossed him the money that we agreed on and pushed my way off the taxi. He chased me down and tried to put me back on. We're going to talk to the mission president about it this week because we can't afford to get cheated like that when we have to travel and then still pay for food. We have another elder staying with us now. He's in a threesome with Hyer and Dailey and he's waiting for his visa to come back so he's serving here for a little while. His name is Elder Ojakol, he's from Uganda. He lived about 20 minutes from Lugazi. He saw his Mom today actually. It was hard for him and for all of us. It made me really miss you. That was hard.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Week 18 in Lugazi with Woodland

Hey Mom & Dad! I feel so good, yesterday was much needed for me. It was so good to see you guys. I can't even tell you how good I felt going to bed last night. I was on such an emotional high. It is so weird that I am so far away. I feel like I've grown up a lot. I
always thought that saying distance makes the heart grow fonder was BS. Now, I
know it's true. I didn't really tell you about my week, so I'll do that really
quick. This week kind of crawled by for me since I was looking forward to Mother’s
Day so much. We went out to that café in the middle of the jungle that opened
in my area. It was American food. Legit food. I got a double cheese burger and
it was actually cheap for how good the food was. It was the best meal I've had
here without a doubt. And then they also baked me the cake that they had been
telling me about and it was super good. Then they let me know that they were going
to charge me for it after. Nothing like a birthday present you buy for yourself.
It was well worth it though.
I had a
super spiritual experience this Sunday. In Gospel Doctrine I taught a lesson on
guarding our lives from Satan’s influence. The spirit was super strong as we
talked about standing in holy places literally and spiritually.
want you guys to know that I’m having a really wonderful time on my mission. I’ve
gotten used to the living conditions and the house doesn’t even seem that bad
anymore. Honestly the two toughest trials out here are my mattress and my monthly
living allotment ($122) Haha, just kidding-there’s
been real trials but I’ve managed okay obviously. I really wish you two could
meet some of the people out here. Some of them are hilarious! Also I never
imagined that one of the obstacles to baptism would be FEAR of WATER! Most all Ugandans are afraid of putting their
head under water. The one thing I don’t want you to experience is the food. It
is so expensive to eat healthy. I guess some things never change. I’ve always
been expensive and high maintenance. LOL I thought I’d get super tan out here
in the sun. Ya, that’s not happening. I am really grateful for the spiritual
growth that I’ve gone through. I’ve learned so much about the gospel and grown
to love it more. Mom, I often think about how growing up you would sit out in
the hall and read the Book of Mormon every single night. I even remember a few
times you fell asleep reading…lol. I’m so grateful you did that. I love to look
back and think about those memories. Dad,
thanks for always encouraging me to go to all my meetings and for being such a
good example of selflessness. There’s no way I’d be here if it wasn’t for you
two. I love you both with all my heart. Love your first born in the
Monday, May 14, 2018
Week 17 in Lugazi with Woodland

My birthday was good, a little melancholy as well. I ate a ton on
my birthday. Everyone has been trying to feed me and I've had sooooo much local
food. At Winnie’s house she made us a FEAST. After they sung me happy birthday
and then Sister Winnie poured water on my head. Elder Dailey
ate so much that night he threw up and was just laying on sister Winnie’s
floor. The best dinner was Sunday night though at Malayka's house.
She's so awesome Mom, I doubt she'll ever get baptized but she's one of my
favorite people that I've met here. She's been looking for a traditional,
handmade beaded necklace for you.
Man mom, you think a donkey
is bad? Down the street from our house they raise pigs that they sell to the
pork joint and they slaughter them every couple days... at four in the
morning. It's horrendous. You can't
sleep through it. I go to sleep so early. Like right when we get home. Usually
by 9:30 I'm in bed. The best part
of my day right now is the early morning, I get up and workout at about 5:30
every morning and then I go for a run with our elder's quorum president Andrew.
He is also one of the guards. I've become really good friends
with him. He's a great guy- he's the one we sent to see the prophet.
This Sunday was super
rewarding. I baptized a guy that I met & started teaching my first day
here. Ojambo, Steven. He's a really cool guy and his testimony seriously
touched me. I met him playing pool actually. It was an inspired game, needless
to say. The other guy is Nigo, the powerlifter with polio. And in that picture
at my birthday party, my hair, ya it's normally more combed than that don't
worry. President Collings hurt his back or something so they're not coming out
for interviews so If I don't get mail today I won't get it until the 23rd for
zone conference. I'll call them and see if it's there. I don't have to pay
anything to pick up packages-all the other missionaries are super jealous. Tell Corbin
that I'm gonna do my best not to cry, but if I do cry than I'm gonna make him
cry in the airport when I see him one way or another. 

Dad, if it wasn't for
you I couldn't be out here. You're such stud, I look up to you way more than I
think you realize. I draw courage from your example and I'm always trying to
make you proud. I wish it was me and you out here together though. That would
make this a lot more fun. Haha-I feel your parenting pain
now…I'm constantly telling the other missionaries to turn the lights off, close
the fridge, wash their dishes, pick up their clothes, and to wake up. It's
been good though, I can't wait to hear from you. Love you. Elder Payne
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Week 16 in Lugazi with Elder Woodland

Hey Mom! So I need
your skype username. I'll be able skype for sure. I'll be skyping some time
on Mother’s Day in the morning for you like around 6-9 am. The only thing you
need to have set up is a camera or whatever you'll be using so that we can see
each other. I did get a camera btw!
It's funny that
you guys had so much to do on Sunday, my Sunday was crazy too. I basically ran
the branch! It was super stressful, in a not really stressful way because at
the end of the day I am in Africa. idk if that
made any sense. I had to get everything in order as far as the baptismal service and the hymns, making sure we started on time, and just lots and lots of little things like that. I'm glad that you're loving your calling!! That's so sick that you got the earrings I
sent. I'm about to send you a few more things today actually, that was good
that you let me know they made it! Oh my heck I
love the Gnarly protein! It's the best, and I mix it with cinnamon and it's
basically a dessert. I love that stuff. Tell Eli thanks for me big time!
Of course, Corbin is gonna be excited, I ate bugs. They weren't something I would seek out to eat but they weren't bad either. At least I ate them on purpose this time...
Training is super
fun though. My new comp is Elder Woodland. I'm working him hard… maybe a little too hard. I realized Sunday
night that I've wrecked him with how much we've been walking so I might have to
tone it down a little. Poor guy- got sun burned so bad his second day
here. Really though, I
like him a lot and he's a lot of fun. I think he is adjusting well. He's having a blast. I really like training. I could train my whole mission and be perfectly happy. It makes me want to be more obedient and a good example. I let my new comp baptize one of the investigators that we were teaching. It was super neat to see. I'm really loving the people here. They're super good to me and I'm making genuine friends. The thing that I am super proud of though, is how many of our RC's are super active in the church. On Sunday everyone that blessed and passed the sacrament were people that I've baptized. It was the coolest ever! I felt so good and it makes me want to work harder and harder. I'm definitely a work hard, play hard missionary. I've gotten super good at pool. Be prepared Baylor! I haven't lost a game in a few weeks now.
We are constantly picking up new
investigators. We teach so many people It's hard to keep track to be honest. At
least 10 new ones a week. This one guy Nigo, he doesn't really come to church,
but he is a really cool guy. I really like him. Anyways he had polio when he
was young, and it caused his leg to be all deformed but now he owns a gym and he won the National championship in powerlifting I guess for his
weight class. I'm going to go see him tonight, He's a super cool guy. And he
owns a gym, so we get along good.
goal that we set this last week was to get 12 baptisms this transfer. The thing
that made me happiest was going out to this place called Pakistan this week. We
went out to see a couple investigators, one was named Babiry Foster and the
other is Nax. They're the funniest people ever and they just make me laugh and
laugh and laugh. Foster was a less active and she's started coming back to
church and we're going to baptize Nax this Sunday. Fazira and a lady named
Amina will also be baptized for sure on Sunday and maybe a guy named Steven if
we can meet with him. We also took a Sister named Winnie with us to help us
teach this week. She's going to Zimbabwe on her mission in June and she's so
cool. She's feeding us this week.
I'm going to have
a good birthday! Everyone in the branch wants to feed me. I'm taking a whole
week off from my diet and I'm going to a members house every night to eat. I
love the people here they're so kind to me. May the fourth be with you too Mom.
I love you a ton
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