The adventures and experiences of Elder Payne as he serves a full time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Monday, April 23, 2018
Week 15- last with Elder Millecam, staying in Lugazi
Hey! I'm staying in Lugazi, probably at least 2 more transfers. I'm going to be training. My new companion's name is Elder Woodland, and he gets here from the MTC on Wednesday. The best thing that Elder Millecam taught me was how to teach simply. I'll try to do that with this new elder too.
President Nelson Arrives in Africa
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Week 14 in Lugazi with Elder Millecam
Transfers are next week; I
will find out soon what I am doing. My area is doing so good though, I
don't really wanna leave yet. I 'd like at least one more transfer here. We had
6 investigators get baptized on Sunday!! Faith and Jared got baptized,
along with a man named Elvis, Umar, Jonah, and then Annette. It was a super
exciting Sunday. Their testimonies after were incredibly powerful. Some of them
bore their testimonies in Lugandan, and even though I couldn't understand all
of it I felt the spirit super strong. It was neat! Have you been following the prophets journey? We put some money together
so that our elder’s quorum president could go to Nairobi and meet the prophet.
He was so excited to go! Did you know that
President Nelson and Holland spent three days in Jerusalem prior to coming to
Nairobi? Two prophets in Jerusalem? Remind you of a scripture in Revelation?
I’ve been studying so much. My scriptures
are marked up super good. It might be cool for you to read through them when I
get home. Anyways, Elder
Millecam's proselyting bag stunk super bad so he washed it ya? Well it still
stunk after, so he was looking inside, and it turns out a lizard got stuck in
it and died. It was hilarious. The poor guy also had a giant praying mantis
climb into his pants and he had to kill it on his leg. It was not his best week…
by the way you'd be so proud of me...I have ZERO food-stained shirts
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Week 13 in Lugazi with Elder Millecam
I want you to know that I can absolutely feel your love and I know you're
cheering me on at home! I love hearing about the family and what you guys have
been up to. I'm doing good, it was a good week. I did watch conference and I
really enjoyed it! We watched the Saturday sessions back-to-back on Saturday
and the Sunday sessions back to back on Sunday. Two 4-hour sessions. It wasn't
like being at home, but I did feel the spirit super strong. Honestly,
Saturday session was my favorite session. The solemn assembly where we got to
sustain President Nielson was amazing. I couldn't believe how strong the spirit
was. There were only five of us in the chapel for the Saturday session and
there were no branch leaders, but we all got up and sustained him and it was so
neat. I knew that without a doubt I was standing as a witness before God that I
know that he really is our prophet and I felt so happy. It was awesome! If the
boys didn't watch the Saturday session they ought to, and they ought to
participate in the solemn assembly. It was incredible. My favorite talk though was
Uchtdorf’s. I don't know what its title is yet but I'm gonna guess it's titled
Behold the Man. I finished reading Jesus The Christ this week right before
conference and then listening to that talk and totally understanding in detail
what he was talking about was super spiritual for me. I loved it. I don't get
to watch priesthood, so the boy’s ought to tell me what was good. I miss going
to priesthood and shakes with them so bad. I was super grateful for you guys
all though conference and for the knowledge that I get to spend eternity with
you. So, they talked about pure love and ministering a lot right? Mom, you're
such a good example of pure love. I can feel it all the time. I can tell how
much you love to serve and care about other people without judgement. Also, Ava
was a good example of ministering. She still does minister our family to this
day and that's pretty dang cool. It's changed our whole families lives in a
way. This week we got a chance to do some service too. On Tuesday we went and
farmed for Moses, one of our RC's. It was interesting, it was out in the middle
of the jungle. We helped him plant Kasava, it’s a little like a
potato. We also saw a sugar cane field catch on fire and that was
wild. We got stranded out at a gas station and couldn't get picked up by a
taxi. We ended up walking like 7 miles or something. That paved road is
Kampala Highway, it’s only paved in certain areas and is the biggest highway in
the country. The weather here is just like the food, really bland. It's on and
off rain and on and off sunshine. I miss the seasons. Utah really is the best
place in the world. I'll know next week if I'm staying here in Lugazi or
if I'm leaving. I'm doing good on supplies and food and finally put some weight
back on. I'm eating fish and beef and eggs every day. I found a place where
they sell fresh Tilapia. Just raw fish steaks and I have been eating them all
week. They're super yummy and I make this tomato sauce stuff that I put on it.
That's what is in the picture is I sent you. Usually, the skin is still on the
fish, so I have to prepare it hardcore. And then I just grill it on a pan, the
same way I cook everything. I really enjoy it and it's good to be able to mix
it up and eat more than just eggs and beef. That's my diet and then mixing
veggies in there too. I can't eat the super oily food here It makes me throw it
up. I did eat a rolex today and it was super yummy! No other missionary eats
the things that I eat. They like Rolex and fries. That's literally
all that my comp eats.
Dad- you are such a stud. After reading the katana story I think you will laugh
your head off when you get my next few letters in the mail. You'll understand
after you read them. I'm beyond grateful that you've been willing to be so
patient with me and "mentally forge" who I am. I'll do my best to do
my part as well.. I love you a ton. I want you to know that my studies are
really focused on Christ right now. I've learned sooo much on my mission. I
know missions are really for the missionary and then the people who benefit
from me being out here is a bonus in a way. Jesus the Christ has really changed
my perspective and opened my eyes to a lot. I recommend that read to anyone and
everyone. I really love you guys a ton and I can't wait to come home and
hug you. I'm so excited to talk to you in ONE month on Mother's Day! I never
want the homesickness to go away though, it just means that I love you!
Monday, April 2, 2018
Week 12 in Lugazi with Elder Millecam
We didn't watch or listen to conference; we will actually watch it this next
Sunday due to tape delay. They send us a DVD to watch at our chapel. I
definitely missed being at home and watching it with you guys. It didn't seem
like Easter. None of the holidays are the same without my family and the people
that I love around me. It was cool to be reading Jesus the Christ at this time
of year though. It made Easter more meaningful. We brought 10 new investigators
to church on Sunday. I was really surprised overall attendance on Easter was
low. Our investigators made up a fifth of the congregation. Also, we had a
tender mercy in disguise as a disaster. I lost my wallet on Saturday and
thought I’d never see it again. I wasn’t devastated, just annoyed at the
inconvenience that it caused me and could cause the mission office. About 4
hours later we got a call from one of our investigators who told us that a young
man had found the wallet and was waiting for us in the chapel. The man’s name
was Arnold, and we took the opportunity to teach him. He was super attentive
and came to church the next day. Heavenly Father works in mysterious ways to
connect people to His message. Tell the Larsen’s that I got their letter and I
loved it. They had some really nice things to say about you and Dad. All true
too of course.
I think that this was a good mission for me. Ya, it's definitely a
good mission for me. I can be myself, work hard, teach a lot and have fun doing
it. However, Africans don't get sarcasm mom, It's so funny.
Dad, Man-I miss you. Thank you for setting such a good example for
me. I’m grateful for all the lessons you’ve taught me while growing up.
Especially the ones about working hard and pushing through hard things. I
really think that if you hadn’t taught me to do hard things, I wouldn’t be able
to do this. Leaving my family is easily the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Another great example you have set for me is how to treat women. You have
always taught me how important women are. Dad, thank you for always supporting
me and working so hard to take care of our family. I want you to know that I
really love you!
President Collings interview