I took a bunch of pics
for you, but of course the wi-fi isn’t great today. I don't know if they will
even send. That's sick you got a pool table! I can't wait to wreck you guys
when I get home!!!! I haven't been able to set up my fitbit. It's super cool
and fits and looks awesome, but I'll have to wait until Thursday to set it up
because it has to be done on an Iphone. Thankfully Sister Collings has one and
we have interviews then!
I pulled some money to buy protein powder, I think that will help me a
ton. I honestly thought about eating that lizard we caught. I just
didn't want to clean it or I would've eaten it. It probably would've been super
good. The flavor packets you sent me are AWESOME marinades. The Italian
dressing stuff is so yummy on my steak! As far as other animals go, I see
monkeys all the time, they're just hard to get pictures of.
Power and water are both good right now. Yesterday was the first Sunday
I've been here where we've had power all day. Actually, it's a good thing,
since I had a ton of beef in the fridge. It doesn't rain every day, but it
usually rains two or three times a week. We got poured on Sunday afternoon and
this morning.
We had a baptism on Sunday, a girl named Cheri, and then two confirmations. We
had NINE investigators at church and that was super powerful. The record in
Lugazi was 8 so we're doing super good. We're on pace for almost 20 baptisms
this transfer, so we're going to keep working hard. On Tuesday I went on
exchanges with one of our zone leaders Elder Anim and had a really good time.
He's from Ghana and a really cool guy. That Book of Mormon stories book you
sent me has been AWESOME. Malayka took it home to study it. We've been having a
really hard time getting her to read the Book of Mormon because she says it's
boring, but I knew she'd like the stories. I think that realizing what was
going on in the stories got her excited to read, so way to go Mom!! One
day this week while I was cooking, I had a salamander fall off of the ceiling
and land on me. I thought that you and the boys would think that was super
funny. I thought you'd think this was interesting. I've told you a little
about Faith and Jared, right? We've been teaching them for a long time and
they're almost ready to get baptized. One thing that Africans struggle with
here is the law of chastity. Because marriage is so expensive often, they don't
legally get married, and they just move in together and then say they are
married. So, we had to find out if they were really married. Another problem is
dowry. Here in Africa the father of the bride can ask for anything that he
wants for dowry and that can make it super hard to get married. However, if the
man has paid a dowry and has met the parents then it counts as a "tribal
wedding" so they can be baptized without being legally married. The church
recognizes a tribal wedding as a legal binding marriage. Kind of interesting
culture huh?
I am really going to miss watching conference with the family. Not just
because of the treats and the comfy couch but because of the company. I hope
you guys have a happy Easter. Love you all so much! love you with
all my heart. I'll be thinking about you all week long.

I pulled some money to buy protein powder, I think that will help me a ton. I honestly thought about eating that lizard we caught. I just didn't want to clean it or I would've eaten it. It probably would've been super good. The flavor packets you sent me are AWESOME marinades. The Italian dressing stuff is so yummy on my steak! As far as other animals go, I see monkeys all the time, they're just hard to get pictures of.
Power and water are both good right now. Yesterday was the first Sunday I've been here where we've had power all day. Actually, it's a good thing, since I had a ton of beef in the fridge. It doesn't rain every day, but it usually rains two or three times a week. We got poured on Sunday afternoon and this morning.
We had a baptism on Sunday, a girl named Cheri, and then two confirmations. We had NINE investigators at church and that was super powerful. The record in Lugazi was 8 so we're doing super good. We're on pace for almost 20 baptisms this transfer, so we're going to keep working hard. On Tuesday I went on exchanges with one of our zone leaders Elder Anim and had a really good time. He's from Ghana and a really cool guy. That Book of Mormon stories book you sent me has been AWESOME. Malayka took it home to study it. We've been having a really hard time getting her to read the Book of Mormon because she says it's boring, but I knew she'd like the stories. I think that realizing what was going on in the stories got her excited to read, so way to go Mom!! One day this week while I was cooking, I had a salamander fall off of the ceiling and land on me. I thought that you and the boys would think that was super funny. I thought you'd think this was interesting. I've told you a little about Faith and Jared, right? We've been teaching them for a long time and they're almost ready to get baptized. One thing that Africans struggle with here is the law of chastity. Because marriage is so expensive often, they don't legally get married, and they just move in together and then say they are married. So, we had to find out if they were really married. Another problem is dowry. Here in Africa the father of the bride can ask for anything that he wants for dowry and that can make it super hard to get married. However, if the man has paid a dowry and has met the parents then it counts as a "tribal wedding" so they can be baptized without being legally married. The church recognizes a tribal wedding as a legal binding marriage. Kind of interesting culture huh?